• 01388 811178
  • themeadows@durhamlearning.net
  • Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 7QW



Sports and Wellbeing Day

The children enjoyed a variety of activities today, they took part in cooking, designing a football strip, a night walk, tug of war, and a game of football against staff. Followed by an ice cream in the warm weather.

Children’s cancer run and cake sale

Well done to everyone who participated in the cancer run and cake sale, our final total raised was Ā£649.

Check out the write up on page 3 of the Spennymoor News.


Mr Chapman organised an end of year trip for the gold award students to the Croft race track. The children had a wonderful day seeing the cars.

Year 11 Leavers event

A leavers event was held in school for all the Year 11’s that have left The Meadows this year. We wish them well in the next chapter of their life’s.

Reward visit to Barnard Castle

The children walked along the river and then climbed up to the farms and then made ground fires and cooked marshmallows and smoores

Reward Visit to Seaton Carew

The children wanted to make pancakes on the beach as part of their reward trip

Newcastle Falcons

Some of our children enjoyed a day out at Newcastle Falcons Rugby Ground

Year 7

Year 7 enjoyed a trip to the park


The Meadows School
County Durham
DL16 7QW

Email: themeadows@durhamlearning.net
Phone: 01388 811178

SENCO - Sarah Straughan 

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