• 01388 811178
  • themeadows@durhamlearning.net
  • Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 7QW



Our career describes our journey through life, learning and work and we all need to actively
develop our careers, in order to make the best of them.

The Meadows School supports all of our students through a planned programme of activities
which help to identify the pathways that are right for each individual and which allows
students to manage their careers, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic
wellbeing throughout their lives.

Our careers learning journey can be viewed here Careers Learning Journey

At The Meadows we appreciate certain groups or individual students may need extra help
and / or guidance and these groups will be targeted and given differentiated CIAG as

Mrs Hart is our careers advisor/careers leader and oversees the careers programme. You
can contact Mrs Hart via email to ahart@themeadowsschool.info

The programme is designed to be progressive so that, each year, students will build and
develop on the knowledge and skills that they have previously acquired.
Learners in Years 7, 8 and 9 participate in a careers program which allows them to learn
teamwork and leadership skills as well as explore their understanding of resilience and
aspirations. Learners look at different post-16 options and what a good CV looks like.
Learners in 10 and 11 participate in Vocational Education where they are able to direct their
own learning and choose appropriate modules for themselves. Learners are able to talk
about the different careers that are available in their chosen area, make connections with the
world of work in that specific area and participate in hands on learning. Our program for 10
and 11 includes timetabled careers lessons and bespoke individual sessions to allow
students to make informed and realistic choices with regards to their Post-16 options.
We work closely with Durham Works to ensure young people can access impartial advice in
addition to support in school.

The programme is be guided by the Gatsby Benchmarks thus ensuring best practice.

The Gatsby Benchmarks are designed to ensure students:

  • Receive a stable careers programme from years 7 to 11.
  • Learn from career and labour market information.
  • Have their individual needs addressed.
  • Link curriculum learning to careers.
  • Have meaningful encounters with employers and employees.
  • Have experiences of workplaces.
  • Have meaningful encounters with further and higher education.
  • Receive personal guidance. 

Aims of Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG)
to inspire and raise aspirations so that students are able to make informed realistic
decisions for their own future.
to provide good quality independent and impartial careers advice.
to provide advice and guidance which is in the student’s best interest.

Our current progress towards the Gatsby Benchmarks is regularly reviewed via the
Compass Careers Benchmark Tool and the most recent results can be viewed here. Compass Report The Meadows (Term 1)
The next benchmark evaluation will completed in April 2024 and will be reviewed termly in
order to develop our practice.

Useful Links
The National Careers Service has some excellent careers information on it, including entry
routes, skills required and pay. It also gives you some alternative, related careers
information and gives you the chance to read some up-to-date and accurate labour market
Colleges and Providers
Sunderland College 
Gateshead College

Newcastle College
East Durham College and Houghall
Dewentside College
South Tyneside College
Bishop College
Darlington College
Catch 22


The Meadows School
County Durham
DL16 7QW

Email: themeadows@durhamlearning.net
Phone: 01388 811178

SENCO - Sarah Straughan 

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