• 01388 811178
  • themeadows@durhamlearning.net
  • Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 7QW



Thank you for choosing to join our school. We hope that your time here will be happy and fun and that you will gain skills and qualifications for your future life in and beyond school.

Arriving in school
Your taxi will bring you to school for about 8.30am. When you arrive you can get breakfast in the dining room and there are a range of activities you might want to try: the TV, newspapers and magazines, computer class, the gym or chatting to your friends.

The Day

8:30 – 8:55 Arrive at the Meadows from taxi’s and have breakfast/grounding routine
8:55 – 9:15 Tutor time
9:15 – 10:05 Lesson 1
10:05 – 10:55 Lesson 2
10:55 – 11:15 Break
11:15 – 12:05 Lesson 3
12:05 – 12:55 Lesson 4
12:55 – 13:25 Lunch
13:25 – 14:15 Lesson 5
14:15 – 14:20 Tutor time and await taxi’s home

Induction/Joining the school

The staff team want to give everyone the best possible chance to settle well into your new school. We believe this is helped by meeting with families at the beginning (The Family Conference Meeting) to make sure we know what families/young people need and to explain what the school can offer and expect. We need to get to know every young person as quickly as possible so we can have an induction process which will be more carefully explained as you join the school. It is different for every child.


At The Meadows, we follow the National Curriculum which includes the core subjects English, Maths and Science, RE and a range of foundation subjects covering the arts, humanities and technology. In addition we offer Life Skills at KS3 which focuses on basic skills like literacy and numeracy in everyday life situations. At KS4, our older pupils also have Vocational Education but this focuses on the skills required for the world of work and adult life skills. Students also have opportunities to participate it both within school and externally with a range of businesses and partner colleges.

Charges for school activities or visits

There may be circumstances where a small contribution will be requested for some of our school activities and visits.

Disabled Access

Disabled access provision and ground floor of main building new build.


The Meadows School
County Durham
DL16 7QW

Email: themeadows@durhamlearning.net
Phone: 01388 811178

SENCO - Sarah Straughan 

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