• 01388 811178
  • themeadows@durhamlearning.net
  • Spennymoor, County Durham, DL16 7QW


KS4 Results data 2023-2024

There were 17 pupils in the 2023-2024 cohort.

82.35% students left with an accreditation in English and Mathematics 

47.06% students gained at least 5 GCSE or equivalent. 

0 % students with a good pass at GCSE English and Mathematics (grade 5 and above) 

The number of students attaining 5 GCSEs or more was 47.06%

Percentage of students who achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE (or equivalent) in 5 or more subjects, including English and Maths – 5.88%

Percentage of students who achieve Progress 8  and Attainment 8  – 0%

Percentage of pupils who achieved the English Baccalaureate 0%

76.5% of students had confirmed post-16 education, training placements or employment


The Meadows School
County Durham
DL16 7QW

Email: themeadows@durhamlearning.net
Phone: 01388 811178

SENCO - Sarah Straughan 

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